About me

Well, I have always been interested in software engineering. When I was 10 I wrote my first computer program in Atari BASIC after my cousin showed me that I can do something cool with my 800XL. It wasn't rocket science as I had only some very basic knowledge about programming and no even one book about it on my bookshelf but only some old magazines about Atari. I used the syntax I have learned from code examples and listening to create a simple history quiz. It's quite interesting however from the today's perspective that I saved my work entirely on a tape. 😉

My first good quality code was written on studies at the Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science at AGH University of Science and Technology. My main interests were software engineering, machine learning and computer vision. I was also interested in parallel computing but unfortunately I haven't explored that field sufficiently to be proud of it. My thesis was to build an engine for image categorization which I implemented in Python and C++.

During my studies I worked at Comarch, where I learned a lot of state-of-the-art programming techniques, good practices, and had my first experience with the latest Apple technologies.

I am experienced in web technologies such as Java, JavaScript (Angular, Node.js), PHP and I always look for opportunities to master new technologies and programming languages. Now I am focused on mobile software development for iOS devices. If you want to learn more about projects I was involved in, please visit my LinkedIn profile.

Swift Objective-C NodeJS Java Ruby