Tag: #ios

  • I have presented at CocoaHeads in Kraków! (25 Nov 2022)
    Last week on Tuesday I had a great opportunity to present my own topic at the CocoaHeads meetup conference in Kraków.
  • Basic Configuration Server to Avoid Hardcoding in iOS Applications (17 Oct 2020)
    Hardcoding any information in a client application makes it more difficult to update or fix. The problem worsens when we regularly roll out new versions of the application. In such cases, we would need to track every build to ensure we don’t shut down any resources directly referenced in our source code from previous builds. Hardcoding is generally a bad idea....
  • How to get rid of two layers of tabs in Xcode (10 Oct 2020)
    When they introduced document tabs, they didn't automatically hide window tabs for users migrating from older versions of Xcode (at least not in my case). It leads to two layers of nested tabs: one level is the bar of window tabs and inside each window tab we have another layer of document tabs. I believe it's way too complex...
  • How to symbolicate crash logs more efficiently (18 Mar 2020)
    Usually my crash logs get symbolicated on external services like Fabric or Firebase but from time to time it's more convenient to symbolicate on the local machine. I used to use a pair of clunky tools to achieve it but fortunately there is quite hidden but easy to use tool from Xcode that can be used almost out of the box...
  • Dice: shake and roll (29 Dec 2018)
    I have my own App Store Connect account since 2016 but I used to use it as my playground and testing environment. Sometimes I used this account to prepare test builds for my clients, but most of the time it was quite empty and abandoned. Now I decided to change it so I started to work on some side projects this year. One of them is Dice...
  • High Performance Web Services with Swift and Protocol Buffers (21 Sep 2017)
    Usually, when designing communication between a server and an iOS application, we choose JSON as a default serialization method. It has a lot of advantages: readability, flexibility and good availability of serializers in the majority of most popular web technologies used...
  • Assign property for pointers (19 May 2016)
    When I lately upgraded Xcode to 7.3.1 I suddenly got a lot of errors in one of my older project I wanted to rebuild...